Short Life is an exciting adventure game created by Matt Glanville that places the player in the role of the story's protagonist and leads them on a perilous trip full of challenges and riddles.
You won't be directly in control of the main character in this engaging platform game; rather, you'll be tasked with assisting him as he navigates his way through a variety of challenging stages and obstructions.
Short Life provides players with a gameplay experience that is unlike any other thanks to its one-of-a-kind controls, jaw-dropping visuals, and compelling gameplay mechanics. Therefore, if you are searching for a platform game that offers a new and interesting challenge, you need to go no further than Short Life!
The game consists of sixty different levels, all of which are accessible without charge.
You have the option to use either the joystick or the button controls.
Champion and make it to the end without completely losing your composure.
Try to complete the levels using all of your body parts while avoiding obstacles and doing your best.